
Enabling Constraints

Specify a space-separated list of constraints that should be active during media scans. If you specify ALL, all constraints will be used. Use NONE to not enable any constraints at all. If one of the constraints does not accept the video file, it will be skipped.

File Size Constraint

The FILE_SIZE constraint can be used to filter out small samples or videos that are not necessary to convert to a better codec. Be sure to set positive numbers. To disable, do not specify FILE_SIZE in CC_CONSTRAINTS_ACTIVE.

Time Constraint

This TIME constraint can be used to disable conversion e.g. during nighttime. So if you specify a stop time of 16:00, a video file will still begin encoding at 15.59. The encoding process will not get cancelled, even after 16:00. If you like to stop encoding at 20:00, you need to figure out the average encoding time of your videos and subtract it from 20:00. For example if encoding takes 1.5 hours, specify 18:30. Bear in mind that the times are localized in your time zone, but in Docker that might still be UTC. If you only want to encode during nighttime, switch the start and stop times.

File Name Constraint

You can skip video files that match a specific regular expression with the FILE_NAME constraint.